About IFM


Quality and service Quality for us means far exceeding the actual product. All of our processes are focused on customer service and product quality. We personally support our customers - no matter where in the world and in which language. And if it has to be fast, our experts will provide competent support through our free service hotlines. We use our customers' feedback to continuously improve the quality of our products. In special test procedures we stress our sensors far beyond their limits to make sure that they keep what we promise in the customers' processes. In addition each product is submitted to a final inspection before it leaves our premises. This is a promise we take seriously and so we offer a 5-year warranty on each catalog product.

Made in Germany 70% of our products are developed and manufactured in Germany. We feel closely connected to the location Germany. But we have reached a point at which we want to further extend the vision of our commitment "close to you". With manufacturing and development locations in the USA, in Singapore, Poland and Romania, we follow our principles and can respond to the requirements of the different markets with competency, flexibility and professionally. Our manufacturing and development locations are set up according to the same high quality German standards, whether it concerns the working conditions for our staff, protecting the environment during production or maintaining high quality standards in development and production.